Company history
Early electronic computers from Paul Rüter
Eckhard Rüter in the electronics laboratory
As early as the 1960s, Rüter was one of the best known names in connection with pigeon racing – not as a fancier, but as a service provider, helping pigeon fanciers in Germany to pursue their hobby with maximum enjoyment. It was Paul Rüter who, in 1965, as one of the first in Germany, used an early computer to perform race calculations electronically. He was thus able to calculate the racing results for pigeon fanciers several times faster and more accurately than before. An amazing step forward for the sport of pigeon racing!
Paul Rüter continued to work on the standardisation of loft dimensions and coordinate conversion in German pigeon racing.
The next milestone was made possible by the collaboration of Eckhard Rüter and Paul Rüter:
The joint foundation of Rüter EPV-Systeme GmbH in 1994 and development of the electronic clocking system TauRIS®.
The aim at the time was for Managing Directors Eckhard and Paul Rüter to combine their two completely different areas of expertise – computer-based racing calculations and microelectronics – and develop an electronic clocking system for pigeon racing. This was to simplify the clocking process for pigeon fanciers all over the world and make their hobby more enjoyable.
Eckhard Rüter with the world-famous, first-generation TauRIS® terminal
TauRIS® rapidly became one of the most accepted systems for pigeon racing in Germany. Numerous foreign countries keen on pigeon racing were also quick to enthuse about the quality and simple operability of the TauRIS® system.
As early as 1996, TauRIS® systems became established in other countries, such as the Netherlands and Denmark, followed in 1998 by the USA and parts of Asia, such as Taiwan. In 2000, Dipl. Ing. Eckhard Rüter and Dr. Karen von Hühnerbein won an award for their GPS flight recorder, the first device worldwide for recording the flight paths of racing pigeons and the catalyst for many scientific studies into the orientation of racing pigeons.
Pigeon with flight recorder
Some years later, TauRIS®-Turbo was developed, the first Internet visualisation of clocking times and the trailblazer for today’s Remote Strike and online clocking systems. Many further improvements and innovations over the years that followed led to growing interest in TauRIS® in more and more countries.
A strong team!
Eckhard Rüter is surrounded by a strong team – the TauRIS® team! Specialists in fields such as electronics, development, purchasing, production and service. The sales staff maintains close contact to its dealers throughout the world. But specialisation is not enough! Close contact is also maintained by all members of the team to our customers, the pigeon fanciers. For example, every member takes a turn at manning our booth at the various fairs, always looking forward to meeting you. Managing Director Eckhard Rüter has remained down-to-earth and personally committed to pigeon racing throughout, and together with his strong TauRIS® team he guarantees customers that Rüter is a name which can be relied on, now and in the future. Put your faith in TauRIS® systems and they will enable you to concentrate entirely on your pigeons!